Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Possible Damage Smoking during Pregnancy can Cause for Your Child

Smokers know the health risks especially during pregnancy. You may not realize it but there are many problems that go right down the line including adverse effects during birth and even after. The ideal time to quit is immediately after you've found out you are pregnant but we do realize many won't which is unfortunate. It's important for both you and your baby to quit the benefits are worth it. You will have an easier time of it if you get the right amount of support when quitting. Here we will discuss with you some of the biggest risks and dangers caused by smoking during pregnancy.

It is common knowledge that when you smoke so does your baby.

Carbon monoxide and nicotine are just some of the chemicals that you and your baby inhale while smoking. The nourishment that your baby gets via placenta including oxygen, and whatever else is in your system from smoking gets transferred to your baby. These carcinogens help to make the effects of nicotine almost immediately felt in your brain. Low birth weight is known as a common issue when mom has smoked throughout the pregnancy this issue has also been known to cause other complications for the baby. It has been estimated that low birth newborns make-up about twenty to thirty percent of all low birth weight babies. Preterm labor is also common in mothers who smoke during pregnancy. It has been said that more than 14% of preterm labors are as a result of the mothers addiction to cigarettes. Infant mortality can be attributed to smoking during pregnancy including SIDS. The American Lung Association has studied this statistic to its fullest.

While this is a significant side effect there are many others associated with smoking during pregnancy. Some of the additional risks include but are not limited to mental retardation, difficulty learning and cerebral palsy. The most prevalent and serious risk associated with smoking during pregnancy is infant death.

There is tremendous cause for concern when a mother smokes during pregnancy.

healthy pregnancy

At this time, we don't completely understand the highly negative effects smoking during pregnancy can have on the baby. The issues discussed have mainly focused on the unborn baby but these problems don't disappear after birth. The child will most likely be dealing with the consequences of their mother smoking while pregnant their entire life. The child can be left dealing with the consequences of their mother smoking while pregnant for their entire life. For the sake of both mother and child, it is vital to quit smoking during pregnancy.

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