Smoking while pregnant is dangerous for your baby.
Smoking while pregnant puts the unborn child at risk and many women know this. The full extent of the risk may not be known, however. Smoking while pregnant puts the child at risk for a long list of possible consequences. Inhaling second hand smoke can even cause negative effects on your child. It's no longer just about protecting yourself but also protecting your unborn child. You can find many safe methods to quit smoking and if you're not supported at home, there are support systems in place. The following is information on the devastating effects smoking while pregnant can have on your child.
The hundreds of chemicals added to cigarettes attack all the system of the mother and unborn child. The baby's immune system is compromised, and the effect of that is the general tendency to be sick more often with colds and other infections. Smoking during pregnancy has also been connected to several respiratory issues. The child may also have growth problems as a result of smoking as well.
Babies of smoking mothers are displaying an interesting trend. These babies have higher heart rates than babies whose mothers don't smoke. Women who smoke have babies with a heart rate that is approximately 30% higher. This statistic applies to women who smoke during pregnancy. The exact cause of this condition is difficult to know. However, when you consider that the baby was not receiving the normal amount of oxygen due to the smoking, then perhaps that played a part in it.
While this is a significant side effect there are many others associated with smoking during pregnancy. Low birth weight plus premature birth carry potential for associated high risks. Just some of the additional risks include mental retardation, learning disabilities, and cerebral palsy. Of course the most serious possibility, and one that is recognized, is infant death. It's a fact that you cannot avoid the risks of smoking while pregnant and they are potentially severe. Where your child is concerned you aren't giving them a fighting chance if you are smoking during pregnancy. If you plan to nurse after the baby is born avoid smoking then too as the nicotine affects breast milk too. The decision to quit is up to you if you are smoking and pregnant get the facts and finally quit. Ask your doctor for help.
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